All sponsors must be signed up as event exhibitors
Registration - onsite, website & badges
Logo on all registration pages, sponsorship pages, registration forms and tickets
Logo on and around the registration desk and directional signage to the registration desk Promotional staff at the registration desk can be branded with your company t-shirts
Logo included in the online brochure and “You Are Here” board
Package price £4,000 + VAT
Seminar theatres - exclusive sponsorship
Exclusive sponsorship is restricted to two sponsors
Every seminar attendee will go to one of the seven theatres – steal a march on your competitors by branding ALL seven theatres with your company’s corporate logo.
Total price: £15,000 + VAT
Seminar theatres sponsorship
Every seminar attendee will go to one of the seven theatres – steal a march on your competitors by branding the theatre of your choice with your company’s corporate logo.
Total price: £1,000 + VAT
Networking area sponsor
An exclusive opportunity to sponsor the Networking Area. Use this opportunity to meet attendees and speakers who will be able to access refreshments and any of your chosen printed collateral.
Total price: £5,000 + VAT
Café sponsor
The Build2Perform Live Café will provide a hub for visitors and exhibitors to ‘take five’ away from the busy show floor and give you the option of fully personalising the café area with your branding.
Total price: £5,000 + VAT
Drinks reception sponsor
The first evening of Build2Perform Live brings together VIP guests, exhibitors and sponsors linked with CIBSE’s Building Performance Awards for a prestigious drinks reception. This sponsorship package offers exclusive branding of the reception with a speaking opportunity.
Total price: £3,500 + VAT
'You are here' boards sponsor
Your logo on boards dotted around the exhibition to assist visitors looking for exhibition stands, theatres and general event information.
Total price: £3,000 + VAT
The Event Guide lists all speakers, speaker profiles, exhibitors and sponsor details together with full seminar information. The package also includes a free full-page ad in the online planner and prominent branding on the event website.
Total price: £3,000 + VAT
Increase your company’s exposure at the event in many ways. Here's a few more opportunities to explore:
Notepads: Every seminar attendee can be given a note pad branded with your company details and contact information together with the opportunity have a description of your organisation on the inside cover, and back page, branded in your corporate colours. Total price: £2,500 + VAT
Visitor Bags: Take the opportunity to add your logo to the visitor bag -
Maximum of three companies 1 of 3:
Total price: £850 + VAT
Exclusive branding opportunity
Total price: £2,300 + VAT
Interested in sponsoring? Contact Amy Emmett ( or Manuel Battista (